
MathTutor Bot
Currently, the world is going through a crisis in Mathematics Education. Numeracy and Arithmatic levels in many countries have gone down and there are not many solutions in sight. Why cannot mathematics be fun and enjoyable? MathBot Tutor helps you learn mathematics in a simple and fun way using our predefined algorithms. It is currently available for free and has 12000+ users along with 5737 likes on facebook page.
EnglishTutor Bot
Communication skills are extremely important in this day and age. Many students tend to get left behind from many oppurtunities because of lack of communication skills in English. We built a bot that helps students learn english grammar and spoken english with ease and thier free time. It has got 1000+ users. This is still in early stages of release.
OpenSource ChatBot Platform
ChaturBots provides contextual chatbots along with live chat, thus enabling clients to engage with thier customers in a user friendly and timely manner on their website. We have worked with 3 companies and have built chatbots for them. The framework has been open sourced, to allow people to build chatbots for thier companies.